Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life Goes on in Space

Here's an interesting little item that kind of brings the Final Frontier .... well, back to earth. It's about .... The SPACE BATHROOM! - Think about it - on Star Trek, Star Wars, Space 1999, StarGate, Dune, Alien (you get the idea) - no one talks about the Space Bathroom.

With the exception of Commander Data who has an excuse, what's the deal. Can you imagine Captain Kirk exiting the commode in 10 Forward and saying to Sulu - "Don't go in there.." - well, maybe not Sulu - but you know what I mean. I think in one episode you see Kirk bare-topped with a towel over his shoulder (I think it's The Enemy Within - someone confirm?).

Anyway - not that this is something I would recommend, but picture Spock, Uhura, Janeway, Picard or Counselor Troi - sitting on the Bowl. What do you see them doing?

Okay - maybe just settle for clicking the above link and suspending disbelief for now!


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